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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly

Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly

Holi Hindu Spring Festival of Colours Assembly A riot! An explosion of colour! Well, not quite. It's those wretched Health and Safety Regulations spoiling all the fun again. That, and a teacher who's prime concern is not to upset the caretaker. But never fear, fun usually succeeds at finding a way through - and there is a great deal of Bollywood dancing and laughter along the way! Oh plus some facts behind the festival of course! Cast of 30. Duration 10 - 20 minutes depending on amount of music/dancing Sample Text: Narrator: Er wait a minute! Don’t go spilling any of that blue paint on this floor! Krishna: But that’s the fun of Holi! Radha: Everyone does it! Narrator: Not on my watch, they don’t! (Narrator ushers Krishna, his mother and Radha back to their seats) Narrator: (Sighing heavily) Phew! That was a close one! Things could have got well out of hand then! (To Group 1) Come on children! Let’s hear some more about Holi! Child 11: Only if we can have a bit more dancing, first! Narrator: (Spluttering) But, but … that’s blackmail! (Group 1 all nod their heads) Narrator: Oh, very well. I don’t suppose it can do any harm! (Enter group of dancers) Music 3 (Dancers do Bollywood routine to music) Narrator: (Applauding) Bravo! Well done! (To audience) You know something? This dancing is rather good, isn’t it? (Exit dancers) Child 1: Well of course it is! Holi is all about joy and fun Child 2: And that’s what dancing is about! Child 3: (Muttering) That and the paint throwing! Narrator: Now! Now! We’ve been over that! Child 4: So, we can have some more dancing, instead? (Narrator gestures dancers, who’ve got to their feet again, to sit down) Narrator: In a minute! Oh my! What is it with everyone this morning? What do you think this is? Child 5: A festival? Child 6: (Indignantly) That’s what it’s meant to be! Child 7: A celebration of good over evil! Child 8: A celebration of the start of Spring! Child 9: The end of winter! (Everyone cheers) Child 10: It’s about love and getting on with everyone. Child 11: And giving everyone what they want and enjoy. (To Narrator) More dancing? Narrator: (Sighing) Oh very well! (Enter dancers) Music 4 (Dancers do Bollywood routine to music – Narrator joining in at the side) Narrator: (Applauding) Oh bravo! (To audience) It is rather catching, isn’t it?
Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play

Ancient Greeks Theseus and the Minotaur Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 10 - 15 minutes reading (this does not include music suggestions) Monsters and heroes - not the easiest cast to deal with! But then Poseidon is more than man - sorry, make that - god enough to take this lot on! Also available (as separate purchase): This assembly plus Guided Reading Script plus Quiz (one of large collection of Ancient Greek scripts written by Sue Russell) Sample Text: Music 1 – El Matador Music (Cast file into hall, in order of speaking, taking seats along two rows of fifteen facing the audience) Poseidon: Welcome to this tale about (Enter Theseus) Music 2 Holding Out for a Hero – Bonnie Tyler (chorus) (Theseus strides up and down, bracing his muscles and striking various ‘heroic postures’) Theseus: A hero! That’s me, Theseus! (Theseus gestures to cast to cheer) (Whole cast cheers) Poseidon: And (Enter Minotaur) Music 3 Deeper Underground – Jamiroquai (chorus) (Minotaur ‘skulks’ up and down, glaring at both cast and audience) Minotaur: Me! The Minotaur! (Minotaur ‘paws the ground’, snorts in anger and glares at cast who all boo) Poseidon: Hmm. Quite a split! In fact Theseus: (Interrupting) You could say, Good versus Evil! Poseidon: (Glaring at Theseus) I could! But I’m not going to, if it’s all the same to you! (To audience, aside) These heroes! Think they’re God’s Gift! Theseus: Well, you may not have regarded me as a gift (pauses) Dad! (Pauses) But my other father did! (Enter Aegeus) Aegeus: Ah Theseus, my son! There you are! (To audience) I hope you haven’t been listening too much to this god, here (pointing at Poseidon). Gods! Way too much time on their hands and far too many off spring to show for it! Poseidon: What was that? Aegeus: Oh nothing, Poseidon! Just commenting on how creatively you fill your time. Truly awesome! Poseidon: Well, as God of the Seas I guess I am rather (pauses) what did you say? Oh, awesome, that’s right! A shame not everyone was in such awe of me as you! (Enter Minos) (Whole cast hisses and boos) Minos: (Angrily) Hey! That’s no way to greet the King of Crete! Aegeus: (Contemptuously) Pah! Some king you were! Minos: (Laughing) Huh! And you were any better, oh great King of Athens? (Pauses) Now, just remind me. Who had to send human sacrifices to who? Aegeus: (Exclaiming) Why, you evil, wicked, cruel, vindictive .. Poseidon: (Interrupting) Yes, yes. I think we get it. You two didn’t like each other much, did you? Aegeus: Oh I’ve barely started.
Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly

Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly A challenging one, this class play, for the school’s head teacher! It’s never going to be easy working with an English teacher (Mrs Wright) who’s always right; a Maths teacher (Mr Minus) who’s always negative; a Geography teacher (Miss Place) who is always getting lost; a History teacher (Mr Date) who is always late; and as for that Music teacher (Ms Tune) – maybe somebody could ask her to stop singing? …. Or at least do it in tune?! And then there’s Mr Fit (P.E. teacher) who isn’t quite as tough as he looks. With insults flying, who is going to stop the staff from stealing the show? Just as well those Year sixes are up to the task! Written for cast of 30 but easily adjustable up (2 to 3 classes) or down – see production notes –the duration is likewise extremely flexible, depending on amount of music used - there are over 20 pieces of music to choose from. As a rough guide, the reading time is approximately 15 minutes but this does not include ‘mini presentations’ of different sports. Script also includes Olympic Ode - performed by the children. Sample Text: Head Teacher: Wow! What an amazing set of Olympians! Mr Fit: All potential medal holders! Mr Minus: (Scowling) All right for some! Head Teacher: What do you mean, Mr Minus, all right for some? Mr Minus: Well, whilst I’m indoors, slaving away over long division, he (pointing to Mr Fit) is out there in the sunshine, knocking a few balls around and … well, generally having a ball! Mrs Wright: (Bitterly) Yeah! All right for some! Whilst I’m writing away, inside, filling in all that missing punctuation, he’s out there playing games! Miss Place: Whilst I’m finding different places on a map! Mr Date: And I’m battling it out with the Tudors! Other Olympic scripts by Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to the Olympics 2016 Assembly 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly including history events and ode 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play

Evolution Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 (easily adjustable) Duration: Around 20 minutes without the inclusion of music suggestions. This script has ‘serious factual content’ including a timeline from the beginning of time to the present, but it has plenty of humour including a seriously bad set of jokes at the end! This assembly or class play is based on the Evolution and Inheritance unit of study and has the following coverage: How fossils record changes that living things undergo over millions of years Shared characteristics of parents and offspring Adaptation and evolution of animals and plants in order to survive in different habitats/how characteristics are acquired rather than inherited/natural selection How creatures change over long periods of time Sample Text: (Enter Giant Tortoise slowly) Narrator: (Sarcastically) In your own time! Giant Tortoise: Hey! No need to rush! And it’s not like I have any predators to run from. Narrator: Just as well! Have you had far to come? Giant Tortoise: I live on the Galapagos islands, off the South American coast. Narrator: Whoa! That’s a long way! Giant Tortoise: Not as far as Mr Darwin travelled on his five-year trip! Narrator: So, you met the great man? (Enter Finch) Finch: We certainly did! Took some of us home with him! (Enter Darwin) Darwin: (To Giant Tortoise and Finch) You got me thinking about (To Giant Tortoise) Different patterned shells (To Finch) Different shaped beaks. You see, these creatures were different on each island suggesting they had adapted to their immediate environment. Giant Tortoise & Finch: (Together) Fascinating! (Exit Giant Tortoise & Finch) Narrator: Shall we look at some other examples? Darwin: (Enthusiastically) Certainly! Music 3 Parade of the Charioteers (Enter Stag and Peacock, both strutting proudly across stage) Stag: Look at my fine antlers! (Looks at audience) Anyone want to take me on? Peacock: Huh! No need for any violence! Just look at my magnificent display (opens tail to full effect). Who could not be impressed with me? Narrator: (Thoughtfully) Hmm. They are rather winning features Stag: It’s called ‘survival of the fittest’! Peacock: You’ve gotta have what it takes you know!
Winter Assembly or Class Play for Key Stage I

Winter Assembly or Class Play for Key Stage I

Winter Assembly for Key Stage One Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: Around 10 - 15 minutes. This length can be extended by the addition of suggested poems. Brrrr! .... surely there's a bit more to be said about winter than this?! Well, if left to our cast it would just be the sound of snoring - any excuse to follow the lead of that hibernating hedgehog. Fortunately, you can always rely on a bit of Disney to revive flagging spirits - plus some snowball fights and a few words from our rockin robin! This is one of a set of plays on The Seasons - all available as separate purchases. Sample Text (Enter group of children all dressed in winter clothes) Child 23 – 27: (Together) We’re all warm! Narrator: And how is that? Child 23: I have a warm woolly hat! Child 24: I have a warm woolly scarf! Child 25: I have warm woolly gloves! Child 26: I have warm woolly socks and welly boots! Child 27: And we all have Child 23 – 27: Warm woolly coats to keep us warm! (Exit group of children) Narrator: Hmm! Warm and woolly seems to work! Music 5 Rockin Robin – Michael Jackson (Enter Robin/Child 28 dancing to song that is sung by rest of the cast) Narrator: (Applauding) Well, that was very upbeat! (To robin) You don’t seem to have any problems with the cold weather! Robin: Well, it’s not always easy, you know! And I am always grateful to those kind people that leave me food out in their gardens! Narrator: Well, you are our favourite national bird Robin: And those Christmas cards just wouldn’t be the same without me, right? Narrator: Right! (Exit Robin) (Sound of loud snoring, from the cast) Narrator: Hey! What’s going on? Music 6 All I have to do is dream – Everly Brothers (Optional excerpt – first couple of bars) (Enter very sleepy hedgehog/Child 29) Hedgehog: (Rubbing eyes) Oh! Where’s my bed? I must have sleepwalked off, by mistake!
Spring Assembly

Spring Assembly

Spring Assembly This is the first of a series of Seasons Assemblies written for Key Stage I. This first one covers 20 plus 'first signs of spring' and includes a reference to the first chapter of Wind in the Willows, with Mole and Rat extolling the joys of the riverbank! Cast of 30 (easily adaptable up or down) It is suggested that the class teacher takes the role of narrator. Duration: Around 10 – 15 minutes including poems and music suggestions Sample Text: (Young animals ‘run rings around’ Narrator who gets increasingly exasperated) Narrator: (Sighing) Huh! I was forgetting those young animals! (Narrator jumping out of their way) Narrator: Oh dear! Is it just me or does it suddenly seem a bit crowded around here? Mother Rabbit: But didn’t you say, you loved Spring? Narrator: Oh yes! But .. (Bunnies and lambs keep jumping up at Narrator) Narrator: (To Mother Rabbit and Mother Sheep) Could you not keep your offspring under slightly better control? (Mother Rabbit and Mother Sheep ‘round up’ their offspring and return to their seats, scowling) Narrator: Oh dear! And there I was saying how much I loved Spring! But it’s not just about baby animals, you know! (Enter Child 6 dressed as Mole and Child 7 as Rat) Narrator: Ah! Two of my favourite characters from The Wind in the Willows! Mole: (Bowing) I’m Mole! Very pleased to meet you! Rat: And I’m Rat! Known as Ratty to my friends
Circus Assembly for Key Stage One

Circus Assembly for Key Stage One

Circus Assembly for Key Stage One Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Role of Narrator taken by Class Teacher. Duration: 10 - 15 minutes This script is suitable for both upper and lower Key Stage I. Whereas the first half is on the history of circuses, there are lots of jokes to cheer up our Sad Clown for younger children in the second half - plus ample opportunities for ‘the performance of a lifetime’! This script is a kind of template - it can be used for any size class and be expanded to any length of time. Oh, and did I mention Health and Safety?! Sample Text: Fire breather: Look at what fire breathers do! (Fire breather breathes out fire) (Everyone gasps and applauds; Narrator rushes on with fire extinguisher) Narrator: Hey! Health and safety! Health and safety! Stop this now! Sword swallower: And then there’s my act (holding up sword) Narrator: (Intervening quickly) I have no idea what you intend doing with that sword – but not here, not now! Sword swallower: But I was only going to swallow it (pauses) like this! Narrator: (Shrieking) Stop now! That’s way too dangerous! (Whole cast groans) Sad Clown: You see? Always some health and safety spoilsport around these days to ruin our fun! (Circus juggler walks up and down, juggling) Narrator: Now, that’s more like it! Plenty of skill, no danger! (Stilt walker walks up and down) Narrator: (Applauding) Bravo! (Contortionist and ‘Strong man’ perform, Narrator watching anxiously) (Everyone gasps and applauds; Narrator rushes on with First Aid Kit) Narrator: This really won’t do! What have I said about health and safety? (Lion roars loudly)
Healthy Living Assembly or Class Play

Healthy Living Assembly or Class Play

Healthy Living Assembly or Class Play This script was written as a complementary script to two others already written - Skeleton & Muscles Assembly and Teeth and Eating Assembly. These two were written for Years 3 & 4. This one is for Years 5 & 6. Subjects covered: recap on all major organs, importance of good diet and regular exercise. There is also mention of what is not good for you. Mental health is mentioned at the end of this script - as it is stressed throughout that it’s not just about ‘looking good’ - feeling good is equally important. Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: 10 minutes without any music; but lots of opportunity for expansion should a longer performance be required. This is explained in the Production Notes (namely, adding detail on ‘organ functions’ and different types of food); and the two scripts mentioned above could, with their purchase, also be used as ‘add ons’. Sample Text: Narrator: Ah yes! What makes a healthy body? Now, there’s a question! Child 1: Good diet! Child 2: Plenty of exercise! Narrator: Sounds simple enough! (Bracing muscles) No wonder I feel so good! (Enter Model, Athlete, Weight Trainer, Dancer and Walker – all ‘doing their thing’) Narrator: Just look at those bodies – all so toned! (Exit Model, Athlete, Weight Trainer, Dancer and Walker) (Narrator looks startled) Narrator: Oh wait a minute! I thought we were going to hear a bit more about that all-important exercise? (Enter doctor) Doctor: We will! All in good time! But first we should look at what’s on the inside! It isn’t just about having perfect body shape, on the outside, you know! Narrator: (Sheepishly) Oh I know that! Huh! I’m not one to be taken in by appearances! Doctor: I’m glad to hear it because outer beauty is by no means the whole story. It’s about feeling good as well! (Enter Brain) Brain: Oh, that’s way more important than anything else. If you don’t feel good, then forget it! Well, actually, on second thoughts, don’t do that because Narrator: (Coughing) Ahem! Excuse me. I hate to interrupt you but … you are? Brain: Oh sorry! Did I not introduce myself? Well, you see there is a reason Doctor: (Holding his hand up for Brain to stop) Oh dear. This is the first of the body’s internal organs Brain: (Interrupting; and tapping head) Indeed! Starting from the top! Narrator: (Irritably) Could you just tell us your name? Brain: Tell you my name? Well, of course, my dear fellow. I’m Brain! I’m the one in charge! Narrator: (Hurriedly) Oh I don’t think so! Not today, anyway!
Teeth and Eating Assembly or Class Play

Teeth and Eating Assembly or Class Play

Teeth and Eating Assembly or Class Play Years 3 & 4 This is one of three scripts written on ‘The Body’. The other two are: The Skeleton and Muscles Assembly - Years 3 & 4 & Healthy Living Assembly - Years 5 & 6 Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down. Duration - around 20 minutes including music choices. Once again, our narrator has his/her work cut out, vying with a dentist, a ‘super athlete’, a ‘Sweet Gang’ and of course … a whole crowd of chattering teeth! Sample Script: Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on (Sound of dentist’s drill) (Narrator walks over to dentist, standing over patient, with drill in hand) Narrator: (Shouting) Er, excuse me! (Drilling stops and dentist looks round towards narrator) Dentist: (Angrily) Yes! Did you want something? Surely you can see I’m rather busy here! Narrator: (Huffily) I’m sure you are! But so am I! I happen to be trying to hold an assembly this morning and, well, I just can’t do that with you drilling! Patient: (Leaping off chair) Oh that’s fine! I can always come back another day! (Dentist places patient firmly back in the chair) Dentist: Oh no you don’t! You are not going anywhere – not until I have finished! (To narrator) Now, if you don’t mind (Dentist picks up drill and moves towards patient) Narrator: No! Stop! (Dentist stops) Narrator: I can give you a very good reason why you should stop what you are doing. Well, for a short time, anyway. Dentist: Oh yes? Well, come on, then. This had better be good. Narrator: Well, wouldn’t you agree that prevention is better than cure? Dentist: You mean, looking after your teeth rather than me fixing them? Narrator: Correct! And our job here this morning is to educate everyone about just that! Dentist: Ah! Now you’re talking! (To Patient) You might want to listen to this. It could save you future trips to my surgery!
Money and Me Assembly

Money and Me Assembly

Money and Me Assembly description Cast of 30 – easily adaptable up or down Duration – around 20 minutes including music suggestions and performance. Hand on heart, I had thought an assembly on money would be a bit dry. But when the songs started coming, my main challenge was to keep the playlist in check – take a look! Music Living in a Material World – George Harrison Money Money Money – Abba Material Girl – Madonna Money – Pink Floyd Fashion – David Bowie Money Makes the World Go Round – Liza Minelli (Cabaret) Jesse J – Price Tag ft B.O.B Money for Nothing – Dire Straits With this kind of music and the opportunities each song presents for performance, how could you go wrong?! The script does cover serious subjects - such as our obsession with shopping (!) and touches on the growing width of our rich/poor divide. But the main focus is on achieving a balanced world where we all recognise what we need as opposed to just what we want. Yes, we should be aware of the importance of money (quick nod to bank manager in the cast). But do we really want a world driven by consumerism and material temptations all too readily supplied by advertising? I think we will all agree the answer is no – though our cast did take a bit of persuading at the beginning! Enjoy! Sample Text Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our assembly on Music 2 Money Money Money – Abba (Whole cast stands to sing - just the chorus) (‘Rich lady’ in furs and jewels parades up and down) Narrator: (Holding up hand) I see! So, is that what you all think? Speaker 1: Think? What do you mean? Narrator: Well, do you all believe, and I quote “It’s a rich man’s world”? Speaker 2: (Sighing) If I had a little money … Speaker 3: (Sighing) All the things I could do … Narrator: Oh really? And what would you do? Speaker 4: What would I not do? Speaker 5: I’d ride a fancy car! Speaker 6: I’d live in a huge mansion in Beverley Hills! Speaker 7: I’d have my own swimming pool! Speaker 8: I’d have servants to wait on me! Speaker 9: I’d go watch Man United every week! Speaker 10: I’d go shopping along Oxford Street every week! Speaker 11: I’d go on holiday to far off exotic places! Speaker 12: I’d Narrator: (Interrupting) Enough! Enough! (Sighing) Why did I ever ask? Speaker 12: But you didn’t give me a chance to say what I would do! Narrator: Oh, let me guess. Cover yourself in jewels, gold and silver? Speaker 12: Ugh! Gross! Why would I want to do that? Narrator: Well I can think of some who might! Music 3 Material Girl – Madonna (first verse and chorus) (Madonna character performing surrounded by suitors) Narrator: (Smugly) There you go! Speaker 12: (Indignantly) What do you mean, there you go? We’re not all driven by materialism!
Grammar and Punctuation Assembly or Class Play

Grammar and Punctuation Assembly or Class Play

Grammar and Punctuation Assembly Two camps: Grammys and Punks! Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration: around 10 - 15 minutes This class play attempts to cover at least the basics of our great English Language - a pretty tough challenge! 'Coverage' includes: Punctuation: Capital Letters Full Stops Exclamation Marks Question Marks Commas Colons Semicolons Brackets Hyphens Quotation Marks Apostrophes Grammar: Nouns Proper Common Collective Abstract Pronouns Adjectives; Verbs Present Past Future Active and Passive Regular and Irregular Adverb; Preposition Conjunction Sample Text Narrator: (Growing increasingly impatient) Yes! Yes! Do please say what you’ve got to say! We do have a few more parts of speech apart from yourself to get through, you know! Grammy 2: (Huffily) Oh very well. I’ll keep it brief! (Punks all cheer) Grammy 2: Well, proper nouns are really just names. (Pauses) There! Is that brief enough for you? Narrator: Excellent! Thank you for that! (To audience) Phew! I thought for one awful moment we were going to be stuck with proper nouns until the end of the assembly! Next! Grammy 3: (Bashfully) Me? Oh I’m just a common noun! Narrator: Oh! Nothing remotely common about you I’m sure! Grammy 3: But that’s what I’m called! Grammy 2: That’s right! I’m proper! And he’s common! Word: Well, there are quite a few other types, like Grammy 4: Collective nouns – for example, a swarm of bees, a herd of sheep Grammy 5: And abstract nouns – things you can’t hold in your hand - like anger, time Narrator: (Looking at watch) Speaking of which, yes, I think that’s enough on nouns! Grammy 6: (Squeaking) But hey! I might be small, but don’t forget me! Narrator: And you are? Grammy 6: I’m a pronoun! Very important I am! Narrator: (To audience) Just like the rest of them! State your business, briefly if you can!
Roald Dahl School Assembly or Class Play

Roald Dahl School Assembly or Class Play

Roald Dahl School Assembly or Class Play Cast size: The small speaking cast of 6 can be increased to include the whole class by adding a supporting cast of characters taken from the five books. September 13th is Roald Dahl Day – this year it is also his centenary. To celebrate this great writer, I, Sue Russell have written an Assembly which attempts to capture just some of the man's genius. It is just a short assembly, looking at 5 of his works - The Magic Finger, BFG, The Giraffe the Pelly and Me, Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts; but in looking at these books again, I for one was reminded of Dahl's amazing ability to create the most bizarre characters, and situations .. out of nothing. He was, I think, a genius and his memory stays vividly alive through his numerous brilliant books. The play has a small speaking cast - teacher (narrator) plus 5 students, who are asked to pick their favourite author (Roald Dahl - no surprises there!) and favourite books. These are The Magic Finger, The BFG, The Giraffe the Pelly and Me, Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts. The supporting cast i.e. characters taken from these books, is left to the teacher's discretion i.e. depending on how many children there are in the class. Different 'favourites' could obviously be chosen and added to the ones 'my five' chose; and I have similarly left out extracts from the books, plus musical excerpts from the movies which could be added. This assembly can thus be expanded upon in a way to suit the individual class and their Dahl preferences. I hope I have provided a good starting point! If you are interested in looking at more great writers from Britain, I have written a Great British Writers Assembly which, along with Dahl, features the works of C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll and J.K. Rowling. A good resource to have during National Children's Book Week, 1-7 October. Extract Lucy: The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. Teacher: And why did you choose that one? Lucy: I loved the animal characters in it, including the monkey who isn't mentioned in the title! The three of them - the giraffe, the pelican and the monkey - make up a window cleaning gang, the giraffe acting as a ladder because of his magically long neck; the pelican acting as the bucket, with his special ‘Patented beak' and the monkey acting as the cleaner.
Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I

Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I

Great Artists Assembly or Class Play - Key Stage I Bruegel and Lowry Script Cast Size - 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - around 10 - 15 minutes depending on time spent on children's own artwork. (There is a section of the script dedicated to children showing and describing their own work - this section can be omitted thus reducing duration to around 5 - 10 minutes) Sample Script Bruegel: Oh well! Let me tell you now! I had to disguise myself as a peasant Child 12: Why? Bruegel: Oh so that I could see what it was like …. being a peasant! Child 13: And what was it like – being a peasant? Bruegel: Well, I try to show that in my paintings. Teacher: You see, children. Up to this time, only kings and queens and people with lots of money were painted. Narrator: Lucky for us Bruegel came along – and showed us how the poor people lived! (Bruegel goes back to work at his easel) (Lowry looks up from his work, and stands up) Lowry: So did I! Narrator: Pardon? Lowry: I also showed what it was like to be a worker! (Narrator walks over and holds up Lowry painting, to show cast and audience) Child 14: (To Teacher) That’s like the pictures you showed us, Miss! Teacher: Quite so! Child 15: They show us how people lived in the industrial cities of England. Child 16: Smoking factories Child 17: Long streets Child 18: Long people! Narrator: Pardon? Child 19: Oh, he means – the people look a bit like matchstick men! Lowry: (Laughing) That was my style! This script is one of the Famous People Series based on the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, comparing aspects of life in different periods. This list of ‘greats’ includes: · Queens - Elizabeth I and Victoria · Explorers - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong · Inventors - William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee · Women: (i) In Civil Rights - Rosa Parks and Emily Davison (ii) Nurses - Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. I am happy to write on alternative individuals as per my 'write on request' service - so please drop me a line on sue@plays-r-ussell.com
India  Assembly

India Assembly

India Assembly Cast of 30 - easily adaptable up or down Duration - minimum 10 minutes reading time - this, as explained in Production Notes, could be increased to 30 minutes plus The cast (should that be caste?!) of this Indian Assembly or Class Play is anything but equal with the appearance of three gods - two with 4 arms and the other with 4 heads - which one is the narrator supposed to address? Just one of the many problems facing our narrator - the main one being sheer volume of music, colour, joy and .. well everything that makes India such a vibrant country! Sample Text: Music 2 (Shiva dances across ‘the stage’) (Narrator tries to stop him but is confused by the number of arms – four) Narrator: Er, em, excuse me … but who are you and what are you doing? Shiva: What am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I’m dancing, of course! Narrator: Well, I think we can all see that. But who are you? Shiva: (Exploding) Who am I? Who am I? Narrator: Well, if you put it like that – yes, who are you? (Whole cast gasps in horror) (Child 7 goes over to Narrator) Child 7: (Aside) Surely you know who this is? Narrator: (Irritably) Well, do you really think I’d be asking if I did? Child 7: It’s Shiva – the Destroyer! (Narrator gasps) Narrator: Oh no! Not that god with the power of life and death? Child 7: That’s the one! Narrator: (To Shiva) Oh I am most dreadfully sorry! I had no idea that it was you, Shiva! Shiva: Oh I’ll forgive you! I guess I do look (waving arms around) pretty ‘armless! Narrator: Well, I wouldn’t say that! I mean, I think I counted … four arms? Shiva: Oh that’s nothing! When you compare it with number of names I have! Narrator: And they are? (Holds up fingers to start counting on) Now, let’s see. Starting with Shiva … Shiva: Er, I don’t think we have time to run through the others – there are over one thousand of them! This is one of several assemblies written by Sue Russell on different countries. Others include England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain, Holland, Australia, France, Spain, Malta and India plus ‘Around the World in 20 Minutes’. Other Indian scripts: Divali and the Story of Rama & Sita (as a play within a play - a little like Midsummer Night’s Dream!) plus scripts on Gandhi and on the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Midsummer Night's Dream Assembly or Class Play

Midsummer Night's Dream Assembly or Class Play

Midsummer Night’s Dream Assembly or Class Play This version of A Midsummer Night's Dream is directed, as a school assembly, by William Shakespeare's own son, Hamnet. Written for cast of 16-30, running time approx. 40 minutes, this play follows the original plot, but has some interesting twists along the way. And as if four confused lovers isn't enough to contend with on stage plus some very non-cooperative fairies - our poor director, Hamnet also has his playwright father to deal with! Sample Text Helena: You are teasing me! You still love Hermia! Lysander: How can you say such a thing? How I do repent, the tedious minutes I with her have spent! Helena: Lysander! This is not the time for bad poetry! Stop your teasing now! Lysander: But why would I not change a raven for a dove? Please, Helena! Come with me now! Let us leave hideous Hermia! Believe me (looking over at the snorting Hermia), you'd be doing me a big favor! Helena: (Sarcastically) So romantic! Men! Who'd have them? (Helena storms off) Lysander: Hmm. I can see I may need another trip to that Charm School! (Turning to Hermia) I've hung around with this one quite long enough. What did I ever see in her? What a sight! I'm off to honor Helena and to be her knight! (Exit) (Hermia wakes, screaming, from a nightmare) Hermia: Lysander! Help me! My worst nightmare ... (Frantically searching through suitcase) Please don't say I've left my make-up bag behind? Other Shakespeare scripts written by Sue Russell: Assemblies: • Macbeth • Different Midsummer Night’s Dream alternative ‘Nightmare’ versions! • Romeo & Juliet – Valentines Assembly • Romeo & Juliet in Love … Well, weren’t they? Guided Reading scripts: • Shakespeare Plays (8 mini condensed versions) • Set of 4 alternative Shakespeare scripts - Hamlet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo & Juliet (incl. detailed synopses and lesson plans) • Alternative Hamlet script plus lesson plan • Alternative Macbeth script plus lesson plan • Alternative Midsummer Night's Dream script plus lesson plan • Alternative Romeo & Juliet script plus lesson plan Alternative fairy tales – Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty – which are in the PSHE section of the website. Plus • Take a Book – Different Genres of Writing Assembly • Great British Writers Assembly. This short small cast assembly - 6 speakers (with adaptations for whole class) focuses on the writers *Roald Dahl, C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll and J.K. Rowling and their books. • Roald Dahl Assembly
Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s

Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s

Leavers' Assembly for Year 6s This end of year assembly, for Year 6s, is a light-hearted romp through what they have learnt - with reference to The Big Three (Core Subjects) and not forgetting the Nine Foundation Subjects! The focus is on history (Romans through to the present day) but there are plenty of cross-curricular links along with 'mandatory' reference to Literacy and Numeracy Strategies (which ones?!) and other equally 'important' matters - such as what the dinner ladies are serving up! Cast: Written for a year group of around 90, 3 classes - speaking parts for all, but easily adaptable to smaller year group or fewer classes. Duration: The reading time is relatively short (around 10/15 minutes) so favourite poems or extracts from favourite stories could be added - for children to read or recite. Likewise with favourite Art and D.T. projects (evidence for which may still be at home!). Sample Text Shakespeare: What ho? Methinks this principal should learn a few principle facts himself! Like (embracing himself) "Some are born great, some achieve greatness" .... (pauses, pointing towards Principal) but alas "Some have greatness thrust upon them"! Principal: (Striding towards Shakespeare) Now look here, Bill! I'm the one running this show, today. You and your plays can go ... Music 5 Food Glorious Food - Oliver (Loud outburst of "Food Glorious Food" sung by Oliver and boys. Shakespeare and Drake exit, holding their ears) Principal: And who might this scruffy looking lot be? They wouldn't get into my school looking like that! Oliver: (With bowl held out to Principal) More! Please sir, can I have some more? Principal: (Yelling) More?! (Principal looks inside bowl, sniffs and pulls back in disgust) Principal: Ugh! I don't remember this being on the cafeteria menu this morning? (Line of dinner ladies file on, each holding a different dish, and offering food to Oliver, who samples each in turn) Production Directions This assembly was written for a year group consisting of 3 classes (around 30 for each). Thus, there are 3 groups: Like, Dislike and Not Sure (reflecting feelings about school); these then change into the 3 core subjects; and finally the 9 foundation subjects are added. This arrangement can be changed - dividing one class into three or two classes into three. Because of the primary focus being on history, this subject has the greatest number of speakers (52) - the other subjects just having a handful. Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell: • Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly • Olympics Leavers Assembly • School's Out Leavers' Assembly • It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly
School's Out Leavers' Assembly

School's Out Leavers' Assembly

School's Out Leavers' Assembly The cast size (30) can easily be adapted up (for a year group) or down, if necessary, to suit class size of less than 30. Duration: Reading time is only about 5 minutes. However, if all 12 songs are used, and say 2 minutes of each are performed, then this takes performance up to around 30 minutes. This is a rough figure depending heavily on how much of each song is used. What does it take to put a smile on those Year 6 faces? Maybe a large dose of great music and some equally great performances .... by the staff?! The lengths teachers will go to - or are we all really just frustrated rock stars underneath?! Easy to produce, great fun to do! Sample Text: Music 1 Yesterday – Beatles (Children file into places, singing as they come in and become seated; at the end of the song, all sit disconsolately, hanging heads in misery; group of teachers stand to one side, listening to their students) Teacher 1: What a beautiful song! Teacher 2: But why the long faces? Teacher 3: Why so sad? Teacher 4: What have you got to feel sad about? Teacher 5: This is your last day at school! Wouldn’t a better choice of music be …? Music 2 School’s Out – Alice Cooper (Teachers sing and perform really ‘over the top’ version of song; students look on in horror) Child 1: And they called us ‘sad’? Child 2: ‘Sad’ has to be the understatement of the year! Child 3: I’d say more like – ‘tragedy’! Teacher 6: (Beaming from ear to ear) Now you’re talking! Music 3 Tragedy – Steps or Bee Gees (Teachers again sing and perform totally ‘over the top’ version of the song; students increasingly alarmed) Child 4: Stop! Stop! Have you all taken leave of your senses? Teacher 7: Well, this is supposed to be a leavers’ assembly, isn’t it? (All teachers fall about laughing) Child 5: But guess what? It’s supposed to be our leavers’ assembly, not yours! Child 6: Yeah! You’ll all still be here this time next year! Child 7: Not like us! Child 8: We’re the ones leaving! Child 9: Not you! Teacher 8: So, why aren’t you celebrating? Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell: It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly Leavers Assembly for Year 6s Our School’s Got Talent Leavers Assembly Olympics Leavers Assembly
It's Good To Be Me Leavers Assembly

It's Good To Be Me Leavers Assembly

It's Good To Be Me Leavers Assembly Class size - any Duration - open ended This leavers’ assembly can be tailored to any class or year group size; and likewise can be any length. I have provided a 'skeleton script' of around 5 minutes actual reading time but with numerous opportunities to add on e.g. in 'Wish' and 'Achievement' sections. There are also numerous songs/music which can be included or omitted accordingly. There is the additional fun 'option' of the schools staff 'joining in' at the end - but this is optional and can be left out. Sample Text: Child 1: What’s there to celebrate? Child 2: (Holding up Numeracy exercise book) Look at my scores in Maths. Five out of ten, six out of ten, three out of ten … Why do I bother? I’ll never get Maths! Child 3: Huh! Think that’s bad? You should see the marks I get in my spelling tests! You think you’ve got number blindness? (Child 2 nodding in agreement). Well, I’ve sure got a bad case of blindness when it comes to stringing more than two letters together! Child 4: But at least you don’t make everybody around you wish they were deaf! (Starts singing totally off key/out of tune ‘Do Ray Me Far So La Tea Doe’ set of scales. Whole cast clasps their hands over their ears). See what I mean? Teacher: (Uncovering ears) Hey? What? Oh, you mean your slight lack of musicality? Well, maybe there is just a little room for improvement. Child 5: (Holding up bits of woodwork, taped together but falling apart) And what about my latest Design Technology ‘project’? I don’t think I’ll be getting the call to build the next Olympic stadium! Teacher: (Stroking chin, reflectively) Hmm. Maybe not. Child 6: (Holding up ‘art work’ – black dot in middle of yellow paint) And I don’t suppose I’ll be in the Tate Gallery any time soon! Teacher: Ooh. I wouldn’t bank on it – have you been recently? ‘Anything goes’ there! I think your work would fit in perfectly! Child 7: (Breathlessly) But what about me? I try every year to run that one minute mile – but have I got beyond one hundred metres yet? (Starts coughing and clutching his side) Not a chance! Teacher: Enough! Enough! What is wrong with you guys? Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell: • Leavers' Assembly for Year 6's • Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly • Olympics Leavers Assembly • School's Out Leavers' Assembly
Queen's 90th Birthday Party Assembly or Class Play

Queen's 90th Birthday Party Assembly or Class Play

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Party Assembly Special half price to celebrate Her Majesty's Big Day! Whilst 'gracing this assembly' with her presence, the 'party lady' seems just a little reluctant to join in the festivities. So what can our narrator and supporting cast do to change this situation? Well, did someone say it was Her Majesty's 90th birthday? Then, let's hear it for those 90 reasons to celebrate! Sample Text Music 1 Rule Britannia or Land of Hope and Glory (Cast files in with Music 1 in background; all take their seats) Music 2 National Anthem – God Save Our Queen (All stand up) Queen: (To Audience) Do be seated! Ah, how wonderful to be surrounded by my loyal subjects on my birthday! 90 years! Not bad, eh? Narrator: Well, some of us haven’t been around quite that long, your Majesty! But we are here today to celebrate your birthday with you! Queen: Oh I wouldn’t worry too much about that! Narrator: Oh? And why’s that? Queen: (Wistfully) Oh I don’t know. Once one has had as many birthdays as one has .. Narrator: You mean, you’re bored of birthdays? Queen: Well, I’m not quite the party creature I used to be! Narrator: Nonsense! And you know what? That’s what we’re here to prove to you today! Queen: Oh really! Well .. (Queen looks uncertain, shaking her head) Narrator: (To Cast) OK. Time to make Her Majesty’s day! Queen: (Sighing) You can try .. Narrator: Well, with ninety reasons to celebrate your birthday I don’t see how we can go wrong! Whole cast: (Exclaiming together) Ninety? Narrator: You heard! Ninety! And if we’re going to fit those ninety into the next (looks at watch) fifteen minutes, we’d better get a move on! Off we go! Queen: Well, you don’t mind if I make myself comfortable on this here throne? (Queen ‘settles herself comfortably’ onto throne) Queen: Ah that’s better. Do start! Narrator: Well, there are quite a few perks to being Queen, I think you’ll agree? (Queen nods) Child 1: For starters, you get to have two birthdays a year! Can’t be bad! That’s your real one on 21st April and another official one in June!
Rio 2016 Olympic Performance Poem

Rio 2016 Olympic Performance Poem

Rio 2016 Olympic Ode Suggestions on how to use This poem is made up of three parts, taken from the three words of the Olympic Motto - Citius, Altius, Fortius: I. Faster II. Higher III. Stronger Each part is made up of six verses (with chorus to start and/or finish) 18 speakers - 1 verse each, with whole class reading the chorus. 21 speakers - 1 verse each (for 18), plus chorus at the beginning of each part 24 speakers - 1 verse each (for 18), plus chorus at the beginning and end of each part 30 speakers - As for 24 speakers but including six extra verses provided at the end of III, made up of three winners and three losers. I. Faster Chorus Faster, higher, stronger, Olympic champions, we. Faster, higher, stronger, That's all we want to be! Runner 1: The training's over We're on the track We're primed for action There's no looking back. Runner 2: On your marks Get set, go! It's now or never We can't be slow. Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to 2016 Rio Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 7. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 8. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers!